
    Finished reading: Resurrection Walk by Michael Connelly πŸ“š

    A fun relaxing weekend read for me.

    Finished reading: More: A Memoir of Open Marriage by Molly Roden Winter πŸ“š

    Loved reading Molly’s real life story. It is always amazing to me how much emotional intelligence it must take to manage this type of marriage. There is so much to learn about healthy and honest communication that I can apply to any worthwhile relationship.

    Finished reading: The Vital Abyss by James S. A. Corey πŸ“š

    Finally getting around to the various Expanse novellas and so far they don’t disappoint. It’s fun to go back, if only for a brief time.

    Finished reading: The Hunter by Tana French πŸ“š

    Pretty much my favorite type of escape reading and it did not disappoint.

    Currently reading: The Hunter by Tana French πŸ“š

    I forgot how much I enjoy her books. This one is off to a good start.

    Finished reading: The Dragon Reborn by Robert Jordan πŸ“š

    The series keeps rolling and i continue to love it. However, this is the last one narrated by Rosamund Pike. I’ve sampled book four and I can’t bring myself to start it. The audio quality between the two hurts my ears. I’ll get to it eventually.

    Currently reading: The Dragon Reborn by Robert Jordan πŸ“š

    Caught up in the wheel again and still enjoying it. I’m glad I took break though.

    Finished reading: The One Minute Manager Anniversary Ed by Ken Blanchard πŸ“š

    Short, actionable intro to management, especially if you have zero background and suddenly find yourself in charge of other people.

    Currently reading: Heal to Lead by Kelly Campbell πŸ“š

    This may be the most important leadership book I’ve read. I have a reviewer copy, it releases 4/2024. I’ll do a proper review, but if like me you have C-PTSD or a trauma background & are in leadership/management just preorder it now

    Finished reading: What My Bones Know by Stephanie Foo πŸ“š

    Powerful, heartbreaking, and healing. If you have C-PTSD like I do I highly recommend it but proceed with caution. I found it deeply challenging and had to go slow.

    Currently reading: What My Bones Know by Stephanie Foo πŸ“š

    One of the most personally challenging and rewarding books I’ve encountered. I’m having to take it really slow.

    Finished reading: Revival by Stephen King πŸ“š

    Pretty fun until the very end. The final felt like King had a bunch of unused ideas of how people might die in various ways and has the characters just tell them to each other because… context I guess.

    Currently reading: Revival by Stephen King πŸ“š

    The “terrible sermon” gets things off to a great start! I have no idea where this is going plot wise but I’m in already.

    Finished reading: The Great Hunt by Robert Jordan πŸ“š

    Loved it! I think I’m mostly caught up with the story in terms of what the seasons 1 & 2 of the show. The show must pull a few plot points forward quite a bit though, especially with the forsaken.

    Finished reading: The Mysterious Case of Rudolf Diesel by Douglas Brunt πŸ“š

    Loved it. This isn’t my usual genre but it was mentioned at Penny Arcade so I got curious and checked it out.

    Finished reading: The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan πŸ“š

    Rosamund Pike’s narration skills are so good they are ruining other audiobooks for me. Also, the book is pretty great. I’m glad I watched the show first. It helped me piece things together even though some things are very different.

    Finished reading: The Power of Full Engagement by James E. Loehr πŸ“š

    Last book of 2023 and it was powerful. This makes my β€œread again” list. It’s full of valuable tools and ideas that I can use to help clients (and myself).

    Shout out to Eryn, founder of Sapphire Partners for the recommendation.

    Finished reading: Bookshops & Bonedust by Travis Baldree πŸ“š

    Just a fun, feel good series. I can’t wait for the next one.

    Finished reading: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo πŸ“š

    It is so full of wild, privileged assertions that I almost stopped reading it. I’m glad I stuck it out because the last couple of chapters are so good I added it to my β€œread again” list. Marie Kondo pulls together a few core ideas about how we perceive the world around us that hit home hard.

    Finished reading: League of Dragons by Naomi Novik πŸ“š

    Overall a fun series though I wanted a better ending for the dragons.

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