Zeldman’s I am a creative hit a nerve with this nugget. The whole essay is worth your time. I definitely fall into the “I am a creative, not an artist” category.

I am a creative. Not an artist. Though I dreamed, as a lad, of someday being that. Some of us belittle our gifts and dislike ourselves because we are not Michelangelos and Warhols. That is narcissism—but at least we aren’t in politics.

Scavengers Reign is a stellar SF/survival show. The 13.5 year old & I watched 15m to see if it was good & binge watched all 12 episodes! Some gory moments, challenging adult-life themes, a bit of nudity so as always use your own judgement.


Finished reading: Revival by Stephen King 📚

Pretty fun until the very end. The final felt like King had a bunch of unused ideas of how people might die in various ways and has the characters just tell them to each other because… context I guess.

Currently reading: Revival by Stephen King 📚

The “terrible sermon” gets things off to a great start! I have no idea where this is going plot wise but I’m in already.

Finished reading: The Great Hunt by Robert Jordan 📚

Loved it! I think I’m mostly caught up with the story in terms of what the seasons 1 & 2 of the show. The show must pull a few plot points forward quite a bit though, especially with the forsaken.

Finished reading: The Mysterious Case of Rudolf Diesel by Douglas Brunt 📚

Loved it. This isn’t my usual genre but it was mentioned at Penny Arcade so I got curious and checked it out.

Finished reading: The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan 📚

Rosamund Pike’s narration skills are so good they are ruining other audiobooks for me. Also, the book is pretty great. I’m glad I watched the show first. It helped me piece things together even though some things are very different.

Finished reading: The Power of Full Engagement by James E. Loehr 📚

Last book of 2023 and it was powerful. This makes my “read again” list. It’s full of valuable tools and ideas that I can use to help clients (and myself).

Shout out to Eryn, founder of Sapphire Partners for the recommendation.

Finished reading: Bookshops & Bonedust by Travis Baldree 📚

Just a fun, feel good series. I can’t wait for the next one.

Finished reading: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo 📚

It is so full of wild, privileged assertions that I almost stopped reading it. I’m glad I stuck it out because the last couple of chapters are so good I added it to my “read again” list. Marie Kondo pulls together a few core ideas about how we perceive the world around us that hit home hard.

Finished reading: League of Dragons by Naomi Novik 📚

Overall a fun series though I wanted a better ending for the dragons.

Finished reading: Blood of Tyrants by Naomi Novik 📚

Finished reading: System Collapse by Martha Wells 📚

This series makes me happy every single time. Thank you Murderbot.

Finished reading: Crucible of Gold by Naomi Novik 📚

The world building over the course of this series continues to impress. Also, still fun!

Thoroughly enjoyed Godzilla Minus One. It has an unexpected emotional power to it that hit home.

Finished reading: Tongues of Serpents by Naomi Novik 📚

The easy reading dragon fun continues. This series is almost meditation for me to set aside the pressures of the day.

Finished reading: Victory of Eagles by Naomi Novik 📚

This continues to a mostly mindless fun series. Want a man and his dragon having adventures? Naomi delivers!

Just found out a great friend has leukemia. Fuck cancer.

Finished reading: The Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells 📚

Reread all The Murderbot Diaries over Thanksgiving break to prep for the new one, System Collapse. It is such a great series!

Finished reading: Empire of Ivory by Naomi Novik 📚

The series remains fun if a bit too YA for my tastes. That said, I definitely intend to continue the series.